Line | Id | CWE | Severity | Message |
Framework/Commons/Source/DebugCommunication/DebugCommunicator.h |
30 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'init' argument 1 names different: declaration 'port' definition 'portNum'. |
Framework/Commons/Source/DebugCommunication/DebugServer.cpp |
153 | nullPointerRedundantCheck | 476 | warning | Either the condition 'answer!=NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: answer. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Extern/libb64/cencode.cpp |
39 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'fragment' can be reduced. |
Framework/Commons/Source/ModuleFramework/BlackBoardInterface.h |
16 | noCopyConstructor | 398 | style | class 'BlackBoardInterface' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory. |
26 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'BlackBoardInterface' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/ModuleFramework/DataHolder.h |
45 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'DataHolder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/ModuleFramework/ModuleCreator.h |
54 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ModuleInstance' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
126 | cstyleCast | 398 | style | C-style pointer casting |
Framework/Commons/Source/ModuleFramework/RegistrationInterface.h |
35 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'TypedRegistrationInterface' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
71 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'RegistrationInterfaceRegistry::registry' can be const. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/CameraInfo.cpp |
51 | truncLongCastReturn | 197 | style | int result is returned as long value. If the return value is long to avoid loss of information, then you have loss of information. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/CameraInfo.h |
46 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CameraInfoParameter' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
68 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CameraInfo' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
120 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'deserialize' argument 2 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'r'. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/Configuration.cpp |
26 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'Configuration::privateDir' is not initialized in the constructor. |
125 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::Configuration::loadFile' can be static. |
190 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::Configuration::saveFile' can be static. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/Configuration.h |
20 | copyCtorAndEqOperator | | warning | The class 'Configuration' has 'copy constructor' but lack of 'operator='. |
68 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::Configuration::getT' can be const. |
192 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::Configuration::isDir' can be static. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/Image.cpp |
46 | operatorEqToSelf | 398 | warning | 'operator=' should check for assignment to self to avoid problems with dynamic memory. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/ImageJPEG.h |
51 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'serialize' argument 1 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'parent'. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/JointData.cpp |
125 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'name' should be passed by reference. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Representations/Infrastructure/RobotInfo.h |
22 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'RobotInfo::basicTimeStep' is not initialized in the constructor. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Communication/MessageQueue/MessageQueue.h |
55 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MessageReader' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
70 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MessageWriter' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Communication/MessageQueue/MessageQueue4Process.h |
19 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MessageQueue4Process' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Communication/SerialPort/Serial.cpp |
65 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CSerial::CheckRequirements' can be static. |
154 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'lpszDevice' should be passed by reference. |
936 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
970 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1012 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1045 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1099 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1566 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1590 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1614 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1638 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
1662 | duplicateBreak | 561 | style, inconcl. | Consecutive return, break, continue, goto or throw statements are unnecessary. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Communication/SerialPort/Serial.h |
165 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'SetMask' argument 1 names different: declaration 'dwMask' definition 'dwEventMask'. |
231 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CSerial::GetCommHandle' can be const. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Communication/SocketStream/SocketStream.h |
22 | noCopyConstructor | 398 | style | class 'SocketStream' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/DataStructures/ParameterList.h |
112 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'ParameterList::name' is not initialized in the constructor. |
112 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'ParameterList::parameters' is not initialized in the constructor. |
112 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ParameterList::possibly_changed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
113 | operatorEqVarError | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'ParameterList::name' is not assigned a value in 'ParameterList::operator='. |
113 | operatorEqVarError | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'ParameterList::parameters' is not assigned a value in 'ParameterList::operator='. |
113 | operatorEqVarError | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ParameterList::possibly_changed' is not assigned a value in 'ParameterList::operator='. |
115 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ParameterList' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Debug/DebugRequest.cpp |
25 | unreadVariable | 563 | style | Variable 'd' is assigned a value that is never used. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Debug/DebugRequest.h |
23 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Request' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
81 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'serialize' argument 1 names different: declaration 'object' definition 'r'. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Debug/ModuleManagerWithDebug.h |
18 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ModuleManagerWithDebug' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Logfile/LogFileScanner.h |
30 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'LogFileScanner' argument 1 names different: declaration 'file' definition 'filePath'. |
30 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'LogFileScanner' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
34 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'LogFileScanner::getIncludedRepresentations' can be const. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Math/Geometry.cpp |
95 | unreadVariable | 563 | style | Variable 'foundPoints' is modified but its new value is never used. |
Framework/Commons/Source/Tools/Math/MVTools.h |
19 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MVException' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslAction.h |
176 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ActionBasicBehavior' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
202 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ActionOption' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
228 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ActionDecimalOutputSymbol' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
264 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ActionBooleanOutputSymbol' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
300 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'ActionEnumeratedOutputSymbol' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslArray.h |
26 | noCopyConstructor | 398 | style | class 'NamedItem' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory. |
33 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'NamedItem' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
103 | operatorEqToSelf | 398 | warning | 'operator=' should check for assignment to self to avoid problems with dynamic memory. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslBooleanExpression.cpp |
457 | comparisonOfFuncReturningBoolError | 398 | style | Comparison of a function returning boolean value using relational (<, >, <= or >=) operator. |
462 | comparisonOfFuncReturningBoolError | 398 | style | Comparison of a function returning boolean value using relational (<, >, <= or >=) operator. |
467 | comparisonOfFuncReturningBoolError | 398 | style | Comparison of a function returning boolean value using relational (<, >, <= or >=) operator. |
472 | comparisonOfFuncReturningBoolError | 398 | style | Comparison of a function returning boolean value using relational (<, >, <= or >=) operator. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslBooleanExpression.h |
94 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'BooleanValue' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
202 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'NotOperator' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslDecimalExpression.h |
101 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'DecimalValue' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslEngine.cpp |
449 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'xabsl::Engine::generateOutgoingMessage' can be const. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslEngine.h |
103 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'checkForLoops' argument 1 names different: declaration 'currenOptionPath' definition 'currentOptionPath'. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslParameters.h |
38 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Parameters' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
Framework/Commons/Source/XabslEngine/XabslSymbols.h |
425 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Symbols' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
437 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'registerEnumElement' argument 1 names different: declaration 'enumName' definition 'symbolName'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/LolaAdaptor/LolaAdaptor.cpp |
34 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::LolaAdaptor::openSharedMemory' can be static. |
40 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::LolaAdaptor::writeNaoInfo' can be static. |
236 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::LolaAdaptor::setWarningLED' can be static. |
297 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'drop_count' can be reduced. |
337 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::LolaAdaptor::shutdownCallback' can be static. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/AudioRecorder.h |
49 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'set' argument 1 names different: declaration 'controlData' definition 'newControl'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/CameraSettingsV5Manager.cpp |
277 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV5Manager::getAutoExposureGridID' can be static. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/CameraSettingsV6Manager.h |
50 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::set' can be static. |
54 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::reset' can be static. |
59 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::swapBytes' can be static. |
66 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'setRegister' argument 3 names different: declaration 'val' definition 'value'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/NaoController.h |
57 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'NaoController' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
84 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'set' argument 1 names different: declaration 'data' definition 'request'. |
85 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'set' argument 1 names different: declaration 'data' definition 'request'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/V4LCameraSettingsManager.cpp |
52 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getSingleCameraParameterRaw' can be static. |
97 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setSingleCameraParameterRaw' can be static. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/V4LCameraSettingsManager.h |
50 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be static. |
60 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be static. |
66 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be static. |
71 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be static. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoRobot/V4lCameraHandler.cpp |
101 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'V4lCameraHandler::buffers' is not initialized in the constructor. |
360 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::V4lCameraHandler::isRunning' can be const. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoSMAL/DCMHandler.cpp |
13 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'DCMHandler::sensorPtrs' is not initialized in the constructor. |
248 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::DCMHandler::initDeviceState' can be static. |
401 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::DCMHandler::readSensorData' can be const. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/NaoSMAL/SMALModule.cpp |
347 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'drop_count' can be reduced. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DCM/Tools/DCMData.h |
48 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'DCMSensorData::timeStamp' is not initialized in the constructor. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/DummySimulator/myconio.h |
34 | nullPointerRedundantCheck | 476 | warning | Either the condition 'fp==NULL' is redundant or there is possible null pointer dereference: fp. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/LogSimulator/LogProviderModule.h |
35 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'LogProvider::scanner' is not initialized in the constructor. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/LogSimulator/Simulator.cpp |
86 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/LogSimulator/Simulator.h |
51 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'main' argument 1 names different: declaration 'start' definition 'autostart'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/SimSpark/SimSparkController.cpp |
546 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'sexp' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/SimSpark/SimSparkController.h |
108 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'SimSparkController' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
120 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'init' argument 4 names different: declaration 'num' definition 'playerNumber'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/SimSpark/main.cpp |
57 | ConfigurationNotChecked | | information | Skipping configuration 'REVISION' since the value of 'REVISION' is unknown. Use -D if you want to check it. You can use -U to skip it explicitly. |
60 | ConfigurationNotChecked | | information | Skipping configuration 'USER_NAME' since the value of 'USER_NAME' is unknown. Use -D if you want to check it. You can use -U to skip it explicitly. |
63 | ConfigurationNotChecked | | information | Skipping configuration 'BRANCH_PATH' since the value of 'BRANCH_PATH' is unknown. Use -D if you want to check it. You can use -U to skip it explicitly. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/Webots/WebotsController.h |
64 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'WebotsController' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
77 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'init' argument 2 names different: declaration 'teamName' definition 'parameterTeamName'. |
77 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'init' argument 3 names different: declaration 'teamNumber' definition 'parameterTeamNumber'. |
77 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'init' argument 4 names different: declaration 'num' definition 'parameterPlayerNumber'. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/WhistleSimulator/RawAudioFilePlayer.cpp |
111 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'naoth::RawAudioFilePlayer::extractField' can be static. |
111 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'name' should be passed by reference. |
134 | unreadVariable | 563 | style | Variable 'c' is assigned a value that is never used. |
Framework/Platforms/Source/WhistleSimulator/RawAudioFilePlayer.h |
36 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'name' should be passed by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Behavior/PathPlanner/PathPlanner2018.cpp |
277 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'replace_next_vertex' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Behavior/PathPlanner/PathPlanner2018.h |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::speedDirection' is not initialized in the constructor. |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::time' is not initialized in the constructor. |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::character' is not initialized in the constructor. |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::scale' is not initialized in the constructor. |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::foot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
161 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::isProtected' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::speedDirection' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::time' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::character' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::scale' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::foot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StepBufferElement::isProtected' is not initialized in the constructor. |
162 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Struct 'StepBufferElement' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Behavior/XABSLBehaviorControl/Symbols/MotionSymbols.h |
94 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'setWalkSpeedY' argument 1 names different: declaration 'x' definition 'y'. |
95 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'setWalkSpeedX' argument 1 names different: declaration 'y' definition 'x'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Behavior/XABSLBehaviorControl/XABSLBehaviorControl.h |
55 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MyErrorHandler' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/BallLocator/MultiKalmanBallLocator/MultiKalmanBallLocator.cpp |
682 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
747 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
776 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/BallLocator/MultiKalmanBallLocator/MultiKalmanBallLocator.h |
136 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::area95Threshold' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/BallLocator/TeamBallLocator/TeamBallLocatorCanopyCluster.h |
79 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Struct 'Ball' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
90 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'TeamBallLocatorCanopyCluster::Ball::center' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/BallLocator/TeamBallLocator/TeamBallLocatorMedian.cpp |
76 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
89 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/BallLocator/TeamBallLocator/TeamBallLocatorMedian.h |
56 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Vector2dTS::t' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Assignment/RoleDecisionAssignmentDistance.h |
47 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::variantFunc' is not initialized in the constructor. |
47 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::changingFunc' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Dynamic/CleanRoleDecision.h |
193 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'isSecondStrikerDifferentFromFirst' argument 1 names different: declaration 'first' definition 'firstNumber'. |
193 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'isSecondStrikerDifferentFromFirst' argument 2 names different: declaration 'second' definition 'secondNumber'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Dynamic/RoleDecisionDynamic.h |
65 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::strikerIndicatorFn' is not initialized in the constructor. |
65 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::strikerBallDifferenceFn' is not initialized in the constructor. |
65 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::strikerGoalieDecisionFn' is not initialized in the constructor. |
65 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::step_speed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
65 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::turn_speed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
151 | duplicateBranch | 398 | style, inconcl. | Found duplicate branches for 'if' and 'else'. |
171 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'checkSameBall' argument 3 names different: declaration 'r' definition 'radius'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Position/RoleDecisionPositionForce.h |
44 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceSideline' is not initialized in the constructor. |
44 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceTeammate' is not initialized in the constructor. |
44 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceBall' is not initialized in the constructor. |
44 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forcePosition' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Position/RoleDecisionPositionFormation.h |
42 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::minPositionDistance' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/Position/RoleDecisionPositionPotentialField.h |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceSideline' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceTeammate' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forceBall' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::forcePosition' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/RoleDecision/RolesProvider.h |
51 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Parameters' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator/CanopyClustering.h |
187 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CanopyClusterBuilder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator.cpp |
1105 | unreadVariable | 563 | style | Variable 'cross_entropy' is assigned a value that is never used. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator.h |
265 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'LineDensity::angle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
265 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'LineDensity::distDeviation' is not initialized in the constructor. |
265 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'LineDensity::angleDeviation' is not initialized in the constructor. |
324 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'updateBySingleGoalPost' argument 1 names different: declaration 'goalPost' definition 'seenPost'. |
326 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'updateByLinePoints' argument 1 names different: declaration 'linePercept' definition 'lineGraphPercept'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SelfLocator/MonteCarloSelfLocator/SampleSet.h |
22 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'SampleSet' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SelfLocator/SituationPriorProvider/SituationPriorProvider.h |
69 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'LineDensity::angle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/Simulation/KickDirectionSimulator.h |
149 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'calculate_best_direction' argument 1 names different: declaration 'action' definition 'basisAction'. |
150 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'update' argument 1 names different: declaration 'action' definition 'basisAction'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/Simulation/Tools/ActionSimulator.h |
182 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'classifyBallPosition' argument 1 names different: declaration 'ballPosition' definition 'globalBallPosition'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/Modeling/SoccerStrategyProvider/SoccerStrategyProvider.h |
63 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'FormationParameters' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/SelfAwareness/CameraMatrixCorrectorV3/CamMatErrorFunctionV3.h |
24 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'CalibrationDataSample::headYaw' is not initialized in the constructor. |
24 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'CalibrationDataSample::headPitch' is not initialized in the constructor. |
83 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'CamMatErrorFunctionV3::getEdgelsInImage' can be static. |
94 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CamMatErrorFunctionV3::global_position' is not initialized in the constructor. |
94 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CamMatErrorFunctionV3::global_orientation' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/SelfAwareness/CameraMatrixCorrectorV3/CameraMatrixCorrectorV3.cpp |
323 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/FrugallyDeep.cpp |
5 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'file' should be passed by reference. |
7 | useInitializationList | 398 | performance | Variable 'model' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/FrugallyDeep.h |
16 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'FrugallyDeep' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
19 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'predict' argument 1 names different: declaration 'p' definition 'patch'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/Fy1500_Conf.cpp |
46 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
192 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
556 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
1187 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
2286 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
2290 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_2' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/Fy1500_Conf.h |
8 | noConstructor | 398 | style | The class 'Fy1500_Conf' does not have a constructor. |
12 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'predict' argument 1 names different: declaration 'p' definition 'patch'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/Model1.cpp |
46 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
192 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
555 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
1185 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'x_1' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/Model1.h |
8 | noConstructor | 398 | style | The class 'Model1' does not have a constructor. |
12 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'predict' argument 1 names different: declaration 'p' definition 'patch'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Classifier/fy_1500_old_tk03_combined_detection_nncg.h |
8 | noConstructor | 398 | style | The class 'fy_1500_old_tk03_combined_detection_nncg' does not have a constructor. |
11 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'cnn' argument 1 names different: declaration 'x0' definition 'x_0'. |
12 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'predict' argument 1 names different: declaration 'p' definition 'patch'. |
12 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'predict' argument 2 names different: declaration 'meanBrightness' definition 'meanBrightnessOffset'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/RedBallDetector.h |
122 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'scanForEdges' argument 3 names different: declaration 'endpoint' definition 'points'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Tools/BallKeyPointExtractor.h |
71 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BallKeyPointExtractor::params' is not initialized in the constructor. |
71 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BallKeyPointExtractor::values' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Tools/BestPatchList.h |
176 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'BestPatchList::nextIter' can be static. |
187 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'BestPatchList::overlap' can be static. |
195 | unusedPrivateFunction | 398 | style | Unused private function: 'BestPatchList::overlapTest' |
195 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'BestPatchList::overlapTest' can be static. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/BallDetector/Tools/PatchWork.cpp |
108 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
119 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/FieldColorClassifier.cpp |
230 | unpreciseMathCall | 758 | style | Expression 'log(1 + x)' can be replaced by 'log1p(x)' to avoid loss of precision. |
241 | unpreciseMathCall | 758 | style | Expression 'log(1 + x)' can be replaced by 'log1p(x)' to avoid loss of precision. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/FieldColorClassifier.h |
73 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Parameters' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
73 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'name' should be passed by reference. |
192 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'id' should be passed by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/FieldDetector/IntegralFieldDetector.h |
133 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'IntegralFieldDetector::Cell::count_pixel' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalCrossBarDetector.cpp |
20 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'GoalCrossBarDetector::lastCrossBarScanLineId' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalCrossBarDetector.h |
168 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'GoalCrossBarDetector::Cluster::getFeatureWidth' can be const. |
245 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'checkBothPosts' argument 1 names different: declaration 'post0' definition 'postLeft'. |
245 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'checkBothPosts' argument 2 names different: declaration 'post1' definition 'postRight'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalDetector.h |
152 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'GoalDetector::Cluster::getFeatureWidth' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalDetectorV2.h |
158 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'GoalDetectorV2::Cluster::getFeatureWidth' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalFeatureDetector.h |
76 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::usePrewitt' is not initialized in the constructor. |
111 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'findfeaturesColor' argument 2 names different: declaration 'p1' definition 'start'. |
112 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'findfeaturesDiff' argument 2 names different: declaration 'p1' definition 'start'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/GoalDetector/GoalFeatureDetectorV2.h |
77 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Parameters::experimental' is not initialized in the constructor. |
110 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'findEdgelFeatures' argument 2 names different: declaration 'p1' definition 'start'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/HistogramProvider.h |
74 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'id' should be passed by reference. |
88 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'id' should be passed by reference. |
100 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'id' should be passed by reference. |
112 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'id' should be passed by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/LineDetector/Ellipse.cpp |
5 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Ellipse::center' is not initialized in the constructor. |
5 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Ellipse::axes' is not initialized in the constructor. |
5 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'Ellipse::angle' is not initialized in the constructor. |
123 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Ellipse::getCenter' can be const. |
135 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Ellipse::axesLength' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/LineDetector/Ellipse.h |
60 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Ellipse::mahalanobis_distance' can be const. |
87 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Ellipse::getCenter' can be const. |
101 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Ellipse::axesLength' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/LineDetector/LineGraphProvider.h |
161 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'LineGraphProvider::Neighbors::operator[]' can be const. |
188 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'calculatePairsAndNeigbors' argument 2 names different: declaration 'edgelPairs' definition 'pairs'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/LineDetector/RansacLineDetectorOnGraphs.h |
58 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'ransacEllipse' argument 1 names different: declaration 'result' definition 'bestModel'. |
58 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'ransacEllipse' argument 3 names different: declaration 'lineGraphs' definition 'graph'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/LineDetector/ransac_tools.h |
102 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CircleModel' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/ObstacleDetector/detectorfield.h |
21 | useInitializationList | 398 | performance | Variable 'edges' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
151 | useInitializationList | 398 | performance | Variable 'edges' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
173 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'DetectorField::createPreview' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/ScanGrid/ScanGridEdgelDetector.cpp |
8 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ScanGridEdgelDetector::scan_id' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Cognition/Modules/VisualCortex/ScanGrid/ScanGridProvider.cpp |
99 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'distance' can be reduced. |
175 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'frequency' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/ArmMotion/ArmMotionEngine.cpp |
16 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ArmMotionEngine::max_velocity_deg_in_second' is not initialized in the constructor. |
16 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ArmMotionEngine::max_velocity' is not initialized in the constructor. |
125 | unreachableCode | 561 | style, inconcl. | Statements following return, break, continue, goto or throw will never be executed. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/ArmMotion/IKArmGrasping.h |
95 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'integralController' argument 2 names different: declaration 'outputDesired' definition 'inputDesired'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/HeadMotion/HeadMotionEngine.h |
192 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'lookAtWorldPointCool' argument 1 names different: declaration 'target' definition 'origTarget'. |
193 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'lookAtWorldPoint' argument 1 names different: declaration 'target' definition 'origTarget'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InitialMotion/DeadMotion.cpp |
8 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'DeadMotion::oldStiffness' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InitialMotion/FallMotion.cpp |
8 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'FallMotion::oldStiffness' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/InverseKinematicsMotionEngine.cpp |
736 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'target[JointData::RElbowRoll]' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/IKPose.h |
56 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'InverseKinematic::BodyFeetPose::localPose' can be static. |
89 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'InverseKinematic::ChestArmsPose::localPose' can be static. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/StandMotion.cpp |
20 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'StandMotion::stiffness' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/Tools/JointOffsets.h |
37 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'JointOffsets::operator[]' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/Walk2018/FootStep.h |
24 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'FootStep::theLiftingFoot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/Walk2018/ZMPPlanner2018.cpp |
57 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'maxCtrlLength' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/Walk2018/ZMPPlanner2018.h |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ZMPPlanner2018::zmpOffsetY' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ZMPPlanner2018::newZMPOffsetY' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ZMPPlanner2018::zmpOffsetX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
43 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ZMPPlanner2018::newZMPOffsetX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
55 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'bezierBased' argument 8 names different: declaration 'inFootSpacing' definition 'inFootSpacingY'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/InverseKinematicsMotion/Motions/Walk2018/ZMPPreviewController.cpp |
37 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ZMPPreviewController::theZ' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/KeyFrameMotionFactory.cpp |
114 | catchExceptionByValue | 398 | style | Exception should be caught by reference. |
144 | catchExceptionByValue | 398 | style | Exception should be caught by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/KeyFrameMotionFactory.h |
70 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'loadAvailableMotionNets' argument 1 names different: declaration 'directoryName' definition 'dirlocation'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/Tools/KeyFrameMotion.cpp |
146 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'condition' should be passed by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/Tools/MotionNetParser.cpp |
168 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'MotionNetParser::getKeyWord' can be static. |
181 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'message' should be passed by reference. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/Tools/MotionNetParser.h |
27 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'MotionNetParser' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/Tools/Scanner.cpp |
10 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Scanner::endOfFile' can be const. |
54 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Scanner::isToken' can be const. |
54 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'token' should be passed by reference. |
59 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Scanner::eof' can be const. |
100 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Scanner::getLineNumber' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/KeyFrameMotion/Tools/Scanner.h |
25 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Scanner' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/Engine/ParallelKinematicMotion/ParallelDance.cpp |
52 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'alpha_x' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
56 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'alpha_y' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/MorphologyProcessor/InverseKinematics.cpp |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'InverseKinematics::lock' is not initialized in the constructor. |
42 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'Kinematics::InverseKinematics::calcJacobi' can be static. |
395 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'rerr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
405 | redundantAssignment | 563 | style | Variable 'lerr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/MorphologyProcessor/InverseKinematics.h |
49 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'InverseKinematics' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
155 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'gotoLegs' argument 1 names different: declaration 'targetChest' definition 'tc'. |
156 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'gotoLegs' argument 2 names different: declaration 'targetLeftFoot' definition 'tlf'. |
157 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'gotoLegs' argument 3 names different: declaration 'targetRightFoot' definition 'trf'. |
168 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'gotoArms' argument 1 names different: declaration 'targetChest' definition 'tc'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/SensorFilter/IMURotationMeasurement.h |
22 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Measurement' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
22 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Measurement < 6 >' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
22 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Measurement < 3 >' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/SensorFilter/IMURotationState.h |
22 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'RotationState' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
227 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'State' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Motion/SensorFilter/InertiaSensorCalibrator.h |
138 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning, inconcl. | Member variable 'Collection::timeStamp' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/CentreOfPressure.h |
21 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CentreOfPressure::in_and_only_left_foot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
21 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CentreOfPressure::in_and_only_right_foot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
21 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CentreOfPressure::in_kinematic_chain_origin' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/CollisionModel.cpp |
4 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionModel::isLeftFootColliding' is not initialized in the constructor. |
4 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionModel::isRightFootColliding' is not initialized in the constructor. |
4 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionModel::collision_left_bumper' is not initialized in the constructor. |
4 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionModel::collision_right_bumper' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/GoalModel.h |
62 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'calculateAnotherGoal' argument 1 names different: declaration 'one' definition 'goal'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/GroundContactModel.h |
21 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'GroundContactModel::supportFoot' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/KinematicChain.cpp |
15 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'KinematicChain::sumMass' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/KinematicChain.h |
97 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'getLinkName' argument 1 names different: declaration 'node' definition 'link'. |
98 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'getLinkName' argument 1 names different: declaration 'node' definition 'link'. |
99 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'getLinkName' argument 1 names different: declaration 'link' definition 'j'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/RawAttackDirection.cpp |
19 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'RawAttackDirection::deviationLeft' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'RawAttackDirection::deviationRight' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'RawAttackDirection::distanceToTarget' is not initialized in the constructor. |
19 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'RawAttackDirection::pointingToGoal' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/RobotPose.h |
18 | copyCtorAndEqOperator | | warning | The class 'RobotPose' has 'operator=' but lack of 'copy constructor'. |
23 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'RobotPose' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
30 | operatorEq | 398 | style | 'RobotPose::operator=' should return 'RobotPose &'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/TeamMessage.h |
59 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'serialize' argument 1 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'r'. |
60 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'deserialize' argument 2 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'r'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/TeamMessageData.cpp |
9 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'TeamMessageData::timestampParsed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
12 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'TeamMessageData::timestampParsed' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Modeling/TeamMessageData.h |
130 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'TeamMessageData' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Motion/CollisionPercept.h |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::isLeftFootColliding' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::isRightFootColliding' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::lastComputedCollisionLeft' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::lastComputedCollisionRight' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::collision_left_bumper' is not initialized in the constructor. |
25 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CollisionPercept::collision_right_bumper' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Motion/Request/ArmMotionRequest.h |
68 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ArmMotionRequest::stiffness' is not initialized in the constructor. |
68 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'ArmMotionRequest::max_velocity_deg_in_sec' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/BallCandidates.h |
41 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'PatchT' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
140 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'serialize' argument 1 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'r'. |
141 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'deserialize' argument 2 names different: declaration 'representation' definition 'r'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/CameraMatrix.h |
55 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'CameraMatrix::timestamp' is not initialized in the constructor. |
55 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CameraMatrix' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
67 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'CameraMatrixTop' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/GoalPercept.h |
84 | functionConst | 398 | style, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'GoalPercept::GoalPost::operator()' can be const. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/LinePerceptOld.h |
128 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Intersection' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/MultiBallPercept.cpp |
28 | postfixOperator | 398 | performance | Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Representations/Perception/WhistlePercept.cpp |
8 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'WhistlePercept::frameWhenWhistleDetected' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/DataStructures/Spline.cpp |
77 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'i_max' can be reduced. |
78 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'j_min' can be reduced. |
114 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'j_start' can be reduced. |
115 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced. |
129 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'j_stop' can be reduced. |
130 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'sum' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/DataStructures/Spline.h |
98 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'spline::m_b0' is not initialized in the constructor. |
98 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'spline::m_c0' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Debug/Color.h |
45 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Color' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
51 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Color' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
53 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Color' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
61 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Color' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Debug/DebugPlot.h |
56 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'serialize' argument 1 names different: declaration 'object' definition 'r'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Debug/Logger.h |
20 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'Logger' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Filters/KalmanFilter/ExtendedKalmanFilter4d.h |
29 | funcArgNamesDifferent | 628 | style, inconcl. | Function 'setCovarianceOfState' argument 1 names different: declaration 'p1' definition 'p'. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/ImageProcessing/BresenhamLineScan.cpp |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::numberOfPixels' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::pixelCount' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::alongX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::delta' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::baseError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::resetError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
17 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::error' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::numberOfPixels' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::pixelCount' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::alongX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::delta' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::baseError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::resetError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
23 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::error' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::numberOfPixels' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::pixelCount' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::alongX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::delta' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::baseError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::resetError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
28 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::error' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::numberOfPixels' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::pixelCount' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::alongX' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::delta' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::baseError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::resetError' is not initialized in the constructor. |
33 | uninitMemberVar | 398 | warning | Member variable 'BresenhamLineScan::error' is not initialized in the constructor. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/ImageProcessing/BresenhamLineScan.h |
46 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'BresenhamLineScan' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
52 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'BresenhamLineScan' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Xabsl/XabslFileInputSource.cpp |
10 | passedByValue | 398 | performance | Function parameter 'file' should be passed by reference. |
12 | useInitializationList | 398 | performance | Variable 'file' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. |
NaoTHSoccer/Source/Tools/Xabsl/XabslFileInputSource.h |
17 | noExplicitConstructor | 398 | style | Class 'XabslFileInputSource' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. |
NaoTHSoccer/Test/Source/Optimizers/OptimizersTest.h |
36 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'valid' can be reduced. |
77 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'valid' can be reduced. |
116 | variableScope | 398 | style | The scope of the variable 'valid' can be reduced. |
NaoTHSoccer/Test/Source/Optimizers/TestFunctions.h |
18 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'nielsen::Rosenbrock::getNumberOfResudials' can be static. |
22 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'nielsen::Rosenbrock::getName' can be static. |
47 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Rosenbrock::getNumberOfResudials' can be static. |
51 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Rosenbrock::getName' can be static. |
68 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Himmelblau::getNumberOfResudials' can be static. |
72 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Himmelblau::getName' can be static. |
99 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Rastrigin::getNumberOfResudials' can be static. |
103 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'wikipedia::Rastrigin::getName' can be static. |
143 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'fitting::Linear::getNumberOfResudials' can be static. |
147 | functionStatic | 398 | performance, inconcl. | Technically the member function 'fitting::Linear::getName' can be static. |