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Land-use change patterns
Agricultural expansion and the ecological marginalization of forest-dependent people
Agricultural expansion into subtropical and tropical forests causes major environmental damage, but its wider social impacts often …
Christian Levers
Alfredo Romero-Muñoz
Matthias Baumann
Teresa De Marzo
P. D. Fernandez
Nestor Ignacio Gasparri
Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro
Y. L. P. Waroux
Maria Piquer-Rodriguez
Asunción Semper-Pascual
Tobias Kuemmerle
Fading opportunities for mitigating agriculture-environment trade-offs in a south American deforestation hotspot
Strong trade-offs between agriculture and the environment occur in deforestation frontiers, particularly in the world’s rapidly …
Elizabeth Law
Leandro Macchi
Matthias Baumann
Julieta Decarre
Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro
Christian Levers
Matias E. Mastrangelo
Francisco Murray
Daniel Muller
Maria Piquer-Rodriguez
Ricardo Torres
Kerrie A. Wilson
Tobias Kuemmerle
How do habitat amount and habitat fragmentation drive time-delayed responses of biodiversity to land-use change?
Land-use change is a root cause of the extinction crisis, but links between habitat change and biodiversity loss are not fully …
Asunción Semper-Pascual
C. Burton
Matthias Baumann
Julieta Decarre
Gregorio Gavier-Pizarro
B. Gomez-Valencia
L. Macchi
M. E. Mastrangelo
Florian Pötzschner
P. V. Zelaya
Tobias Kuemmerle
Annual Landsat time series reveal post-Soviet changes in grazing pressure
Temperate grasslands are globally widespread, play an important role as carbon storage, and harbor unique biodiversity. Livestock …
Andrey Dara
Matthias Baumann
Martin Freitag
Norbert Holzel
Patrick Hostert
Johannes Kamp
Daniel Muller
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Tobias Kuemmerle
Cold War spy satellite images reveal long-term declines of a philopatric keystone species in response to cropland expansion
Agricultural expansion drives biodiversity loss globally, but impact assessments are biased towards recent time periods. This can lead …
Catalina Munteanu
Johannes Kamp
Mihai Daniel Nita
Nadja Klein
Benjamin M. Kraemer
Daniel Muller
Alyona Koshkina
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Tobias Kuemmerle
Declining human pressure and opportunities for rewilding in the steppes of Eurasia
Large and ecologically functioning steppe complexes have been lost historically across the globe, but recent land-use changes may allow …
Matthias Baumann
Johannes Kamp
Florian Pötzschner
Benjamin Bleyhl
Andrey Dara
Brett Hankerson
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Florian Schierhorn
Daniel Muller
Norbert Holzel
Roland Kramer
Ruslan Urazaliyev
Tobias Kuemmerle
Framing the search for a theory of land use
Land system science and affiliated research linked to sustainability require improved understanding and theorization of land and its …
B. L. Turner
Patrick Meyfroidt
Tobias Kuemmerle
Daniel Muller
Rinku Roy Chowdhury
Land-cover change in the Caucasus Mountains since 1987 based on the topographic correction of multi-temporal Landsat composites
Mountainous regions are changing rapidly across the world due to both land-use change and climate change. Given the importance of …
Johanna Buchner
He Yin
David Frantz
Tobias Kuemmerle
Elshad Askerov
Tamar Bakuradze
Benjamin Bleyhl
Nodar Elizbarashvili
Anna Komarova
Katarzyna E. Lewinska
Afag Rizayeva
Hovik Sayadyan
Bin Tan
Garegin Tepanosyan
Nugzar Zazanashvili
Volker C. Radeloff
Using occupancy models to assess the direct and indirect impacts of agricultural expansion on species’ populations
Land-use change is a global threat to biodiversity, but how land-use change affects species beyond the direct effect of habitat loss …
Asunción Semper-Pascual
Julieta Decarre
Matthias Baumann
Micaela Camino
Yamil Di Blanco
Bibiana Gomez-Valencia
Tobias Kuemmerle
Large greenhouse gas savings due to changes in the post-Soviet food systems
As the global food system contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, understanding the sources of GHG …
Florian Schierhorn
Thomas Kastner
Tobias Kuemmerle
Patrick Meyfroidt
Irina Kurganova
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Karl-Heinz Erb
Richard A. Houghton
Daniel Muller