Object specifications for storing and processing response in assessments (see schema id for version)

After the assessment is finished, the response data are to be processed in various ways. The data structures describe here are part of interface specifications of IQB.

Go to the Schema section of this document and select one schema. Expand all nodes and explore.


  • SEND iqb_data_structures

    Operation IDPlease select one schema

    Accepts the following message:

    Message IDselect_schema



  • object [Response]
    uid: response@iqb-standard@1.3

    Data structure produced by verona players

  • array<object>
    uid: coding-scheme@iqb-standard@2.0

    Data structure to specify all processing steps of response data in order to get coded and scored data for analyses.

  • object [Missing]
    uid: missing@iqb-standard@1.0

    Data structure to describe a missing state in the final data set.

  • object [Status Map]
    uid: state-map@iqb-standard@1.0

    Data structure to specify recoding based on response state.