Installation for production

This installation will download and use pre-built Docker images from a Docker Registry. Docker Compose is used to manage the images and set up networking, data persistence etc.


Required software

Optional software

Make-scripts are used to control the app, i.e. starting, stopping. This can be done manually as well.



Start & Stop

Run application in background

make testcenter-up

Run application with log infos in foreground

make testcenter-up-fg

Stop application

make testcenter-stop

Show log output

make testcenter-logs


To update your installation to the lastest release, run

make testcenter-update

from the installation directory.


After installation two logins are prepared:

It is strongly advised to at least change the password under “System-Admin”.


Settings can be manipulated in the file Check after every update of the testcenter version, whether new configurations have been added to the file, and consider adding them to your file.


TLS Certificates can be managed manually or via a ACME provider like “Let’s Encrypt” or “Sectigo”. If you choose to use an ACME provider, the install process will ask for all necessary configuration data and fill in the .env file and create additional config files. If managed manually, the TLS certificate must be named certificate.pem and TLS Private Key must be named private_key.pem and both need to be placed in the folder /secrets/traefik/certs. If no certificates are configured, self-signed certificates are generated and used. This may cause a browser warning.