The 7th Quantum (Bio-) Inorganic Chemistry Conference will take place
at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany from August 26‐29, 2025.
QBIC VII will focus on computational inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry,
covering theoretical methods, novel applications, and combined
computational/experimental approaches. We hope for many exciting contributions in
the form of talks and posters from you. We are looking forward to an
exciting event with you. The Organizing committee:
- Michael Römelt
- Martin Kaupp
- Dimitrios Pantazis
- Maren Podewitz
- Matthias Stein
Dec. 2024 |
The two QBIC society award winners have been announced and
confirmed their participation at QBIC VII. Congratulations to
Anastassia Alexandrova (UCLA) and Mariusz Radon
(Jagiellonian University)! This is well deserved and we are
very much looking forward to having you here in Berlin.
The 7th Quantum (Bio-) Inorganic Chemistry Conference will take place
at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany from August 26‐29, 2024.
QBIC VII will focus on computational inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry,
covering theoretical methods, novel applications, and combined
computational/experimental approaches. We hope for many exciting contributions in
the form of talks and posters from you. We are looking forward to an
exciting event with you. The Organizing committee:
- Michael Römelt
- Martin Kaupp
- Dimitrios Pantazis
- Maren Podewitz
- Matthias Stein
Dec. 2024 |
The two QBIC society award winners have been announced and
confirmed their participation at QBIC VII. Congratulations to
Anastassia Alexandrova (UCLA) and Mariusz Radon
(Jagiellonian University)! This is well deserved and we are
very much looking forward to having you here in Berlin.
Keynote Speakers
Leticia González
Universität Wien
Heather Kulik
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge
Wonwoo Nam
EWHA Womans University, Seoul
Kallol Ray
Humboldt Universität Berlin
QBIC Society Award Winners
Anastassia Alexandrova
University of California,
Los Angeles
Mariusz Radon
Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Invited Speakers
David Balcells
University of Oslo
Hélène Bolvin
Laboratoire de Chimie et de
Physique Quantiques,Toulouse
Michael Buehl
University of St. Andrews
Miquel Costas
Institut de Química Computacional
i Catàlisi, Girona
Natalie Fey
University of Bristol
Célia Fonseca Guerra
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Max Holthausen
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Adam Kubas
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Radek Marek
Central European Institute of Technology,
Maria Andrea Mroginski
Technische Universität Berlin
Bhaskar Mondal
Indian Institute of Technology,
Ainara Nova
University of Oslo
Shengfa Ye
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14.00h - 14.45h |
Keynote |
N. N. |
14.50h - 15.10h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
15.10h - 15.40h |
Invited |
N. N. |
15.40h - 16.10h |
Break |
16.10h - 16.30h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
16.30h - 16.50h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
16.50h - 17.20h |
Invited |
N. N. |
17.20h - 17.50h |
Invited |
N. N. |
18.00h - 19.30h |
Welcome Reception |
QBIC Society Meeting |
09.00h - 09.30h |
Invited |
N. N. |
09.30h - 09.50h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
09.50h - 10.20h |
Invited |
N. N. |
10.20h - 10.50h |
Break |
10.50h - 11.20h |
Invited |
N. N. |
11.20h - 11.40h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
11.40h - 12.00h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
12.00h - 12.30h |
Invited |
N. N. |
12.30h - 14.00h |
Lunch Break |
14.00h - 14.45h |
Keynote |
N. N. |
14.50h - 15.10h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
15.10h - 15.40h |
Invited |
N. N. |
15.40h - 16.10h |
Break |
16.10h - 16.30h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
16.30h - 16.50h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
16.50h - 17.20h |
Invited |
N. N. |
17.20h - 17.50h |
Invited |
N. N. |
18.00h - 19.30h |
Poster Session |
QBIC Society Meeting |
09.00h - 09.45h |
Award Lecture |
N. N. |
09.45h - 10.15h |
Invited |
N. N. |
10.15h - 10.50h |
Break |
10.50h - 11.35h |
Award Lecture |
N. N. |
11.35h - 11.55h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
11.55h - 12.35h |
Invited |
N. N. |
12.30h - 14.00h |
Lunch Break |
14.00h - 14.45h |
Keynote |
N. N. |
14.50h - 15.10h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
15.10h - 15.40h |
Invited |
N. N. |
15.40h - 16.10h |
Break |
16.10h - 17.00h |
QBIC Society Meeting |
QBIC Society Meeting |
09.00h - 09.45h |
Keynote |
N. N. |
09.45h - 10.15h |
Invited |
N. N. |
10.15h - 10.50h |
Break |
10.50h - 11.20h |
Invited |
N. N. |
11.20h - 11.40h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
11.40h - 12.00h |
Contributed |
N. N. |
12.00h - 12.10h |
Closing Remarks |
N. N. |
QBIC Society Meeting |
QBIC VII will take place at the Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum of the
Humboldt University of Berlin. It is close to the S-Bahn station
Adlershof. You can simply walk down Rudower Chaussee until you see
the big black building to your right. Alternatively, you can use the
tram (61, 63, M17) and get off at station "Walther-Nernst-Str." or "Magnusstr.".
All lectures, award ceremonies and greetings will be held at the
great lecture hall which is located in room 0'115.
images by Philipp Woite
During breaks a small blend of beverages and snacks will be served
in the hallway in front of the lecture hall as well as on the terrace
(if the weather permits it).
image by Stefan Klenke
Registration is not open yet.
There are plenty of hotels in Adlershof and the neighboring districts
Schöneweide, Köpenick and Johannisthal. In the following
list of hotels we have reserved a limited number of rooms for participants
This event is hosted by the Institute of Chemistry of the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Main organizer is Prof. Michael Römelt, head of the theoretical chemistry department.
Michael Roemelt
Brook-Taylor Str. 2
12489 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 2093 82702
Telefax: +49 30 2093 82701
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