* @file CameraMatrix.h
* Declaration of representation CameraMatrix
#ifndef CameraMatrix_h
#define CameraMatrix_h
#include "Tools/Math/Pose3D.h"
#include "Tools/DataStructures/Printable.h"
#include "Tools/DataStructures/Serializer.h"
The Camera Matrix is a 3D pose which describes the coordinate transformation
from camera coordinates to the local coordinates of the robot.
In other words: it describes the position and the rotation of the camera relative
to the local coordinates of the robot.
Local coordinate system of the robot:
The origin of the local robot coordinates is located on the ground floor
at the projection point of the robots Hip. Z-Axis points upwards, X-axis to
the front, and Y-axis to the left from the perspective of the robot.
Camera coordinate system:
The origin of the coordinate system of the camera is located at the
focal point of the camera. The orientation of the axes is the same as
for the local robot coordinates: Z-Axis points upwards, X-axis to the
front, and Y-axis to the left from the perspective of the camera.
1. transform the position of the ball in camera coordinates to the local
coordinates of the robot:
Vector3d ball_camera(1000.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Vector3d ball_local = getCameraMatrix() * ball_camera;
2. transform the position of the ball in local coordinates of the robot
into the camera coordinates:
Vector3d ball_local(1000.0, 500.0, 50.0);
Vector3d ball_camera = getCameraMatrix().invert() * ball_local;
class CameraMatrix : public Pose3D, public naoth::Printable
bool valid;
unsigned int timestamp;
CameraMatrix(): valid(false), timestamp(0) {}
CameraMatrix(const Pose3D& pose): Pose3D(pose), valid(false) {}<--- Member variable 'CameraMatrix::timestamp' is not initialized in the constructor.<--- Class 'CameraMatrix' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [+]Class 'CameraMatrix' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. Such constructors should in general be explicit for type safety reasons. Using the explicit keyword in the constructor means some mistakes when using the class can be avoided.
virtual void print(std::ostream& stream) const;
* @brief A camera matrix from a secondary camera
class CameraMatrixTop : public CameraMatrix
CameraMatrixTop() {}
CameraMatrixTop(const Pose3D& pose): CameraMatrix(pose) {}<--- Class 'CameraMatrixTop' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [+]Class 'CameraMatrixTop' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. Such constructors should in general be explicit for type safety reasons. Using the explicit keyword in the constructor means some mistakes when using the class can be avoided.
// this is needed to make CameraMatrixTop accessible from cppyy library in python
virtual ~CameraMatrixTop() {}
namespace naoth
class Serializer<CameraMatrix>
static void serialize(const CameraMatrix& representation, std::ostream& stream);
static void deserialize(std::istream& stream, CameraMatrix& representation);
class Serializer<CameraMatrixTop> : public Serializer<CameraMatrix>
#endif // CameraMatrix_h