#ifndef _CameraSettingsV6Manager_H_
#define _CameraSettingsV6Manager_H_
#include "V4LCameraSettingsManager.h"
#include <Representations/Infrastructure/CameraSettings.h>
#include <bitset>
class CameraSettingsV6Manager : public V4LCameraSettingsManager
virtual void query(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, naoth::CameraSettings& settings);
virtual void apply(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, const naoth::CameraSettings& settings, bool force=false);
//naoth::CameraSettings current;
naoth::V6CameraSettings current;
bool initialized;
NOTE: this structure is used to write and read registers in setRegister and getRegister.
In the process is is converted to (unsigned char*) and read bytewise.
For this the exact array lenghts has to be
size(Register) == 5
which only holds if the alignment
is set to 1 byte. This can be achieved with #pragma pack(1) or with GCC speciffic __attribute__((packed)).
#pragma pack(1) is also avaliable in VS and seems more general.
#pragma pack(1)
struct Register {
uint8_t id;
uint16_t addr;
uint16_t value;
};//__attribute__((packed)); // very gcc specific
#pragma pack()
// make sure the alignment is correct
static_assert(sizeof(Register) == 5, "Register has to have alignment 1, sich that size(Register) == 5.");
void print_bytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
std::cout << std::bitset<8>(data[i]);
std::cout << std::endl;
inline uint16_t set( size_t bitNum, size_t n ) {<--- Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::set' can be static. [+]The member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::set' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
return static_cast<uint16_t>(bitNum | (1 << n));
inline uint16_t reset( size_t bitNum, size_t n ) {<--- Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::reset' can be static. [+]The member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::reset' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
return static_cast<uint16_t>(bitNum & (~(1 << n )) );
// convert between big-endian and little-endian
uint16_t swapBytes(uint16_t v) {<--- Technically the member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::swapBytes' can be static. [+]The member function 'CameraSettingsV6Manager::swapBytes' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
return static_cast<uint16_t>(((v & 0xff) << 8) | ((v & 0xff00) >> 8));
uint16_t getRegister(int cameraFd, uint16_t addr);
uint32_t getRegister32(int cameraFd, uint16_t addr);
bool setRegister32(int cameraFd, uint16_t addr, uint32_t value);
bool setRegister(int cameraFd, uint16_t addr, uint16_t val);<--- Function 'setRegister' argument 3 names different: declaration 'val' definition 'value'.
#endif // _CameraSettingsV6Manager_H_