#ifndef _V4LCameraSettingsManager_H_
#define _V4LCameraSettingsManager_H_
#include <Representations/Infrastructure/CameraSettings.h>
extern "C"
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <linux/uvcvideo.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/usb/video.h>
#define LOG "[CameraHandler:" << __LINE__ << ", Camera: " << cameraName << "] "
#define hasIOError(...) hasIOErrorPrint(__LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
NOTE: there are two ways to access V4L controls: v4l2_control and uvc_xu_control_query
* The Linux USB Video Class (UVC) driver:
class V4LCameraSettingsManager
// this class is meant to be derived from and contains virtual methods,
// so make also the destructor virtual just in case to prevent future memory leaks
virtual ~V4LCameraSettingsManager(){}
/** used by enumerate_controls */
static void enumerate_menu(int fd, v4l2_queryctrl& queryctrl);
/** print all controlls and their parameters */
static void enumerate_controls(int fd);
int getSingleCameraParameterRaw(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint32_t parameterID);
bool setSingleCameraParameterRaw(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint32_t parameterID, const std::string& parameterName, int value);
bool setRawIfChanged(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint32_t parameterID, const std::string& parameterName, int value, int& bufferedValue, bool force=false);
template<typename T>
T getParameterUVC(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint8_t parameterSelector, const std::string& parameterName) {<--- Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be static. [+]The member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
T data;
int error = querySingleCameraParameterUVC(cameraFd, UVC_GET_CUR, parameterSelector, &data, sizeof(T));
//TODO: this is a mixture between c-style error handling and a cpp style function
hasIOError(cameraName, error, errno, false, "get " + parameterName);
return data;
template<typename T>
bool getParameterUVC(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint8_t parameterSelector, const std::string& parameterName, T& data) {<--- Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be static. [+]The member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::getParameterUVC' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
int error = querySingleCameraParameterUVC(cameraFd, UVC_GET_CUR, parameterSelector, &data, sizeof(T));
return !hasIOError(cameraName, error, errno, false, "get " + parameterName);
template<typename T>
bool setParameterUVC(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint8_t parameterSelector, const std::string& parameterName, T value) {<--- Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be static. [+]The member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
int error = querySingleCameraParameterUVC(cameraFd, UVC_SET_CUR, parameterSelector, &value, sizeof(T));
return !hasIOError(cameraName, error, errno, false, "set " + parameterName);
bool setParameterUVC(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, uint8_t parameterSelector, const std::string& parameterName, void* data, uint16_t size) {<--- Technically the member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be static. [+]The member function 'V4LCameraSettingsManager::setParameterUVC' can be made a static function. Making a function static can bring a performance benefit since no 'this' instance is passed to the function. This change should not cause compiler errors but it does not necessarily make sense conceptually. Think about your design and the task of the function first - is it a function that must not access members of class instances?
int error = querySingleCameraParameterUVC(cameraFd, UVC_SET_CUR, parameterSelector, data, size);
return !hasIOError(cameraName, error, errno, false, "set " + parameterName);
/** Queries all values from the actual camera */
virtual void query(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, naoth::CameraSettings &settings) = 0;
/** Apply all changed values on the actual camera */
virtual void apply(int cameraFd, const std::string& cameraName, const naoth::CameraSettings &settings, bool force=false) = 0;
static int querySingleCameraParameterUVC(int cameraFd, uint8_t query, uint8_t selector, void* data, uint16_t size);
static int xioctl(int fd, int request, void *arg);
static bool hasIOErrorPrint(int lineNumber, const std::string& cameraName, int errOccured, int errNo, bool exitByIOError, const std::string& paramName = "");
#endif //_V4LCameraSettingsManager_H_