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Eastern Europe
Consequences of nuclear accidents for biodiversity and ecosystem services
Nuclear energy is a potential solution to electricity demand but also entails risks. Policy debates on nuclear accidents have focused …
Henrik von Wehrden
Joern Fischer
Patric Brandt
Viktoria Wagner
Klaus Kummerer
Tobias Kuemmerle
Anne Nagel
Oliver Olsson
Patrick Hostert
Conservation policy in traditional farming landscapes
Many traditional farming landscapes have high conservation value. Conservation policy in such landscapes typically follows a …
Joern Fischer
Tibor Hartel
Tobias Kuemmerle
Effects of institutional changes on land use: agricultural land abandonment during the transition from state-command to market-driven economies in post-Soviet Eastern Europe
Institutional settings play a key role in shaping land cover and land use. Our goal was to understand the effects of institutional …
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Volker C. Radeloff
Matthias Baumann
Tobias Kuemmerle
Daniel Muller
Forest restitution and protected area effectiveness in post-socialist Romania
The effectiveness of protected areas can diminish during times of pronounced socio-economic and institutional change. Our goals were to …
Jan Knorn
Tobias Kuemmerle
Volker C. Radeloff
Alina Szabo
Marcel Mindrescu
William S. Keeton
Ioan Abrudan
Patrick Griffiths
Vladimir Gancz
Patrick Hostert
Mapping abandoned agriculture with multi-temporal MODIS satellite data
Agriculture is expanding and intensifying in many areas of the world, but abandoned agriculture is also becoming more widespread. …
Camilo Alcantara
Tobias Kuemmerle
Alexander V. Prishchepov
Volker C. Radeloff
Potential habitat connectivity of European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Carpathians
Habitat connectivity is important for the survival of species that occupy habitat patches too small to sustain an isolated population. …
Elzbieta Ziolkowska
Katarzyna Ostapowicz
Tobias Kuemmerle
Kajetan Perzanowski
Volker C. Radeloff
Jacek Kozak
Prices, Land Tenure Institutions, and Geography: A Matching Analysis of Farmland Abandonment in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
This paper uses remote sensing data from 1989 to 2000 to examine the impacts of price liberalization, land tenure, and biophysical …
Jennifer Alix-Garcia
Tobias Kuemmerle
Volker C. Radeloff
Refugee species: which historic baseline should inform conservation planning?
Understanding species’ historical ranges can provide important information for conservation planning in the face of environmental …
Tobias Kuemmerle
Thomas Hickler
Jorgen Olofsson
Guy Schurgers
Volker C. Radeloff
Using annual time-series of Landsat images to assess the effects of forest restitution in post-socialist Romania
The increasing availability of the Landsat image archive and the development of approaches to make full use of these data provide novel …
Patrick Griffiths
Tobias Kuemmerle
Robert E. Kennedy
Ioan V. Abrudan
Jan Knorn
Patrick Hostert
Using the Landsat record to detect forest-cover changes during and after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the temperate zone of European Russia
The political breakdown of the Soviet Union in 1991 provides a rare case of drastic changes in social and economic conditions, and as …
Matthias Baumann
Mutlu Ozdogan
Tobias Kuemmerle
Kelly J. Wendland
Elena Esipova
Volker C. Radeloff