Alessandro Cotellucci
PhD Student Office: | 1.024 (IRIS) |
Address: | IRIS Adlershof, Zum Großen Windkanal 2, 12489 Berlin |
Email: | |
Profiles: | INSPIRE |
Short Bio
- Since 2021: PhD in Theoretical Physics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2020: M.Sc. in Physics at Università di Bologna
- 2018: B.Sc. in Astronomy at Università di Bologna
Research projects
Most Recent Publications
Alessandro Cotellucci, Agostino PatellaHutch++ and XTrace to Improve Stochastic Trace Estimation
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 002
arXiv: 2312.08972 [hep-lat]
Michele Cicoli, Alessandro Cotellucci, Hajime Otsuka
Sequestered string models imply split supersymmetry
JHEP 01 (2024) 059
arXiv: 2309.05752 [hep-th]
Anian Altherr, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Roman Gruber, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, et al.
Strange and charm contributions to the HVP from C* boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 281
arXiv: 2301.04385 [hep-lat]
Anian Altherr, Roman Gruber, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, et al.
Hadronic vacuum polarization with C* boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 312
arXiv: 2212.11551 [hep-lat]
Anian Altherr, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Roman Gruber, Jens Lücke, Marina Marinkovic, et al.
Tuning of QCD+QED simulations with C$^\star$ boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 259
arXiv: 2212.10894 [hep-lat]
Jens Lücke, Anian Altherr, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Roman Gruber, Marina Krstić Marinković, et al.
$N_f = 1+2+1$ QCD+QED simulations with C$^\star$ boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 064
arXiv: 2212.09578 [hep-lat]
Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Jens Lücke, Marina Krstić Marinković, Agostino Patella, Nazario Tantalo
First results on QCD+QED with C$^{*}$ boundary conditions
JHEP 03 (2023) 012
arXiv: 2209.13183 [hep-lat]
Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Jens Lücke, Agostino Patella, Mike Peardon, Nazario Tantalo, Marina Krstić Marinković
Implementing noise reduction techniques into the OpenQ*D package
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 363
arXiv: 2201.09729 [hep-lat]
Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Patrick Fritzsch, Jens Lücke, Marina Krstić Marinković, Agostino Patella, Nazario Tantalo
Baryon masses from full QCD+QED$_C$ simulations
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 373
arXiv: 2112.12767 [hep-lat]
Jens Luecke, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Evie Beth Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Marina Krstić Marinković, Agostino Patella, Nazario Tantalo
An update on QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 293
arXiv: 2108.11989 [hep-lat]