HU+DESY Lattice Seminars
This seminar series is organised jointly by the NIC Research Group at DESY Zeuthen and the Theory of Elementary Particles and Computational Theoretical Physics research groups of the Institute for Physics at Humboldt University. For questions please contact Dr. Lorenzo Barca (DESY Zeuthen).
Some seminars will be held in person and some on zoom, generally on Mondays at 13:15. Due to the participation of international speakers some seminars may start at 15:00. Please check the individual dates. The Zoom connection details will be announced via the lat-bb mailing list. In-person seminars will be in the IRIS building in Adlershof (zum Großen Windkanal 2), but the room may change.
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Hadron scattering, resonances and exotics from lattice QCD
Prof. Thomas, Christopher (Cambridge University, DAMTP)
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 1:15 pm (Europe/Berlin)
Location: IRIS (Adlershof) 1.021
I will discuss some recent progress in studying hadrons using first-principles lattice QCD calculations. The spectroscopy and interactions of hadrons probe the strongly-interacting regime of QCD, and in recent years experiments have observed a number of puzzling hadrons that challenge our understanding of the strong interaction. Lattice QCD provides a method for performing first-principles computations of the properties of hadrons and hence a QCD-based understanding of the phenomena. However, the majority of hadrons decay strongly, i.e. they are resonances, and lattice calculations of these are challenging. I will present a selection of recent work that has advanced our understanding of hadrons including results relevant for the exotic doubly-charmed Tcc(3875) observed by LHCb, scalar and tensor charmonium resonances, and the D*0(2300) and enigmatic D*s0(2317) charm mesons.
Neutral meson mixing beyond the Standard Model from lattice QCD
Dr Erben, Felix (CERN)
Date: Monday, January 27, 2025
Time: 1:15 pm (Europe/Berlin)
Location: IRIS (Adlershof) 1.021
In this seminar, I will present our lattice QCD calculation of neutral meson mixing matrix elements, focusing on kaon and B-meson systems. I will discuss results for kaon mixing obtained with domain wall fermions at physical quark masses, using a non-perturbative renormalization. Additionally, I will outline ongoing work on B-meson mixing using a fully relativistic approach with multiple heavy-quark masses and lattice ensembles from the RBC/UKQCD and JLQCD collaborations. This high-precision determination of the mixing matrix elements will provide critical input for testing the Standard Model and constraining possible new physics.
Three-hadron dynamics from lattice QCD
Prof. Romero-López, Fernando (University of Bern)
Date: Monday, February 3, 2025
Time: 1:15 pm (Europe/Berlin)
Location: IRIS (Adlershof) 1.021
Spectral densities from Euclidean lattice correlators via the Mellin transform
Bruno, Mattia (Universita' di Milano-Bicocca)
Date: Monday, February 10, 2025
Time: 1:15 pm (Europe/Berlin)
Location: IRIS (Adlershof) 1.021