Lattice Field Theory

Institut für Physik
Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Prof. Dr. Agostino Patella
Group Leader

Office: 1.025 (IRIS)
Address: IRIS Adlershof, Zum Großen Windkanal 2, 12489 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 2093-66416
Email: agostino.​patella@​physik.​hu-berlin.​de
Profiles: INSPIRE arXiv google

Short Bio

Reasearch Interests

Research projects

Most Recent Publications

Anian Altherr, Isabel Campos, Alessandro Cotellucci, Roman Gruber, Tim Harris, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, Marina Krstić Marinković, Letizia Parato, Agostino Patella, et al.
Update on the isospin breaking corrections to the HVP with C-periodic boundary conditions
arXiv: 2502.14845 [hep-lat]

Yasumichi Aoki, Ed Bennett, Ryan Bignell, Kadir Utku Can, Takumi Doi, Steven Gottlieb, Rajan Gupta, Georg von Hippel, Issaku Kanamori, Andrey Kotov, et al.
Lattice gauge ensembles and data management
PoS LATTICE2024 (2025) 412
arXiv: 2502.08303 [hep-lat]

Anian Altherr, Isabel Campos, Alessandro Cotellucci, Roman Gruber, Tim Harris, Marina Krstić Marinković, Letizia Parato, Agostino Patella, Sara Rosso, Paola Tavella
Error Scaling of Sea Quark Isospin-Breaking Effects
PoS LATTICE2024 (2025) 116
arXiv: 2502.03145 [hep-lat]

Anian Altherr, Isabel Campos, Jonathan Coles, Alessandro Cotellucci, Juan Antonio Fernández De la Garza, Roman Gruber, Tim Harris, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, Stephanie Maier, et al.
O(a)-improved QCD+QED Wilson Dirac operator on GPUs
PoS LATTICE2024 (2025) 280
arXiv: 2502.02490 [hep-lat]

Sara Rosso, Anian Altherr, Isabel Campos, Alessandro Cotellucci, Roman Gruber, Tim Harris, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, Marina Krstić Marinković, Letizia Parato, et al.
Partially connected contributions to baryon masses in QCD+QED
PoS LATTICE2024 (2025) 427
arXiv: 2502.03961 [hep-lat]

Mika Lauk, Agostino Patella
Energy-momentum tensor in the 2d O(3) non-linear sigma model on the lattice
PoS LATTICE2024 (2025) 462
arXiv: 2502.04845 [hep-lat]

Agostino Patella, Nazario Tantalo
Scattering amplitudes from Euclidean correlators: Haag-Ruelle theory and approximation formulae
JHEP 01 (2025) 091
arXiv: 2407.02069 [hep-lat]

Ilaria Costa, Valentina Forini, Agostino Patella, Johannes Heinrich Weber
An update on supersphere non linear sigma model on the lattice
PoS EuroPLEx2023 (2024) 034
arXiv: 2406.05018 [hep-lat]

Alessandro Cotellucci, Agostino Patella
Hutch++ and XTrace to Improve Stochastic Trace Estimation
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 002
arXiv: 2312.08972 [hep-lat]

Anian Altherr, Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Dale, Patrick Fritzsch, Roman Gruber, Javad Komijani, Jens Lücke, et al.
Strange and charm contributions to the HVP from C* boundary conditions
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 281
arXiv: 2301.04385 [hep-lat]