Please join us for 2022 Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) conference taking place 26-29 September 2022 in Berlin, Germany.
The bi-annual ISIC-conference is the academic home of the Information Behavior research community and focuses on contextualized information activities, expressed in different framings such as ‘information behavior’, ‘information practice’, ‘information seeking’, ‘information experience’ and others.
We welcome submissions for full (5.500 words) and short papers (2.000 words). Accepted papers will be eligible for publication in the Information Research journal and available as a conference proceedings for ISIC2022 attendees. ISIC also seeks submissions for posters, panel discussions, and workshops. We invite doctoral students to take advantage of the doctoral workshop.
The opening keynote will be given by Dr. Pamela McKenzie. Dr. McKenzie is a major figure in everyday life information behavior and information practices research and ISIC is honored to have her set the stage for the first face-to-face ISIC after four years of not having met in person.
The ISIC conference is a platform for a broad and open community where all attendees can engage in an inclusive, safe, and respectful conference environment. Meet new and old research friends, face to face, right in the middle of lovely, vibrant Berlin.