
Full Papers

Beveridge, Lynne; MacFarlane, Andrew; Makri, Stephann: “I’m just not sure”: The persistence of uncertainty in the information seeking of undergraduate students with dyslexia. City, University of London, United Kingdom.

Börjesson, Lisa; Huvila, Isto; Sköld, Olle: Information needs on research data creation. Uppsala University, Sweden.

Bowler, Leanne: “Confused, Scared, Hopeless, Unsure”: Teens Looking for Information about COVID-19. Pratt Institute, United States of America.

Bressel, Paulina: Information Needs of young adults with cancer in Germany. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Caceres, Ileana; Ghosh, Souvick: The Sound of Music: From Increased Personalization to Therapeutic Values. San Jose State University, United States of America.

Caidi, Nadia; Ekmekcioglu, Cansu; Jamali, Rojin; Chandra, Priyank: Socially-Distant Fasting: Information Practices of Young Muslims During Pandemic. University of Toronto, Canada.

Du Hommet, Joanne; Ihadjadene, Madjid; Grivel, Luc: Information practices in coopetition context: the case of a large video game company. Université de Paris 8, France.

Du Toit, Gertruida Elizabeth: Investigating the influences of the everyday life and academic contexts on the person-in-context’s information seeking behaviour: First-generation students. University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Faletar Tanacković, Sanjica; Petr Balog, Kornelija; Bajić, Meri: Information needs and behaviour of incarcerated persons in Croatia: findings from a national quantitative study. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia.

Ghorbanian Zolbin, Maedeh; Han, Shengnan; Nikou, Shahrokh: Effective Factors on Shared Health Decision Making. Åbo Akademi University, Finland; Stockholm University, Sweden.

Haasio, Ari Martti; Hämäläinen, Lasse; Harviainen, J. Tuomas: “Biodynamically cultivated hash, confidentially”: information sharing on the dark web. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Hartel, Jenna: Information Behavior Videos on YouTube: A Content Analysis, Case Study of INFIDEOS, and Call to Action. University of Toronto, Canada.

Heinström, Jannica; Nikou, Shahrokh; Sormunen, Eero: Avoiding negative information as emotion regulation. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.

Hillebrand, Vera: Research on Age, Aging and Older Adults in Information Behavior and Information Seeking. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Ibrahim, Suraj; Marcella, Rita; MacLennan, Alan: Indicative findings from a study of information behaviour in digital business ideation: insights from the developing world. Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom.

Lauzon, Robb Conrad: Information-Seeking Behaviours of Opinion Leaders. University of Central Florida, United States of America.

Liu, Chang; Wang, Xinyue: Exploration of Students’ Information Behaviour and Experience of Assignment Completion Process. Department of Information Management, Peking University, People’s Republic of China.

Lu, Mengjia; Harvey, Morgan; Hoeber, Orland: What’s Interrupting Your Search? A Diary Study of Everyday Mobile Search Interruptions. The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Macevičiūtė, Elena; Kepalienė, Fausta: Factors influencing Lithuanian researchers’ use of open access repositories as a publishing channel. Swedish School of Librarianship and Information Högskolan i Borås, Borås, Sweden; Faculty of Communication Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Mierzecka, Anna; Łączyński, Marcin: For the Win! Information Needs in Discourse of Board Gamers’ Online Communities. University of Warsaw, Poland.

Milosheva, Marina; Hall, Hazel; Robertson, Peter; Cruickshank, Peter: Capturing career information use in everyday life: introducing the CIEL conceptual framework. Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom.

Nangia, Pranay; Ruthven, Ian: Spiritual Information and Meaning-making: Exploring Personal Narratives of Residents at a Contemplative Spiritual Retreat Centre. University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.

Olsson, Michael: Architectures, Algorithms & Agency: The Information Practices of YouTube Content Creators. University of the Philippines, Australia.

Pálsdóttir, Ágústa: Acceptance of new health and communication technology by older adults. University of Iceland, Iceland.

Pawlick-Potts, Danica: Is Anybody In There?: Towards a Model of Affect and Trust in Human – AI Information Interactions. University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Shehata, Ahmed Maher Khafaga; Alnadabi, Khadija Mohammad Abdullah: Factors affecting undergraduate students’ information sharing behaviour when dealing with COVID-19 misinformation: theory of reasoned action. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Singh, Rajesh: The Good, the Bad, and the Notable: COVID-19 Information Experiences. St. John’s University, United States of America.

Skov, Mette; Svarre, Tanja; Lykke, Marianne: Student experience of digital learning tools: Information literacy training in higher education. Aalborg University, Denmark.

Šobota, Dijana; Špiranec, Sonja: Informed, active, empowered: research into workers’ information literacy in the context of rights at work. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia.

Solhjoo, Niloofar; Krtalić, Maja; Goulding, Anne: “I learn each day.” The informational lifeworld of dog and cat guardians in New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington, School of Information Management, Wellington, New Zealand.

VanScoy, Amy; Julien, Heidi; Buckley, Annette; Goodell, Jon: Theory usage in empirical research in ISIC conference papers (1996-2020). University at Buffalo, United States of America.

Velte, Samara: Exploring the role of context models in memory-building: the completion of informative voids and the re-organisation of narratives in second-hand memories. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain.

Wang, Lin; Liu, Yajing; Han, Wenjun; Qiu, Junping: The Influence of Users'Dark Triad on Knowledge Contribution Behavior on Social Q&A sites. Hangzhou Dianzi University, People’s Republic of China; School of Management Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China.

Wang, Lin; Qiu, Junping; Yan, Su; Wang, Yuhan: Does Mobile Social Media Undermine Our Romantic Relationships? The Influence of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) on Young People’ Romantic Relationship. Hangzhou Dianzi University, People’s Republic of China; Haier Group, Qingdao, China; The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London, United Kingdom.

Yerbury, Hilary; Perera, Pethigamage; Olsson, Michael: Conceptions of Place in the Information Practices of the Mahamewnawa Asapuwa Temple Community.: University of Technology Sydney, Australia; University of Philippines Diliman, Philippines.

Zellmer, Johanna; Elbeshausen, Stefanie; Womser-Hacker, Christa: Elicitation of requirements for innovative visual patent retrieval based on interviews with experts. Universität Hildesheim, Germany.

Short Papers

Bartlett, Joan C.: Young adults’ information behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot study. McGill University, Canada.

Dewitz, Leyla: Positioning Digital Well-being in Health Information Behaviour. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Greifeneder, Elke; Schlebbe, Kirsten: How things fit together: a general model of the information behaviour field. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Hellmich, Helene; Dinneen, Jesse David: In favour of deleting: on its necessity and challenges for information research and practice. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

Hu, Jiangfeng; Zhou, Lihong: Territorial Barriers in Interagency Government Data Sharing. Wuhan University, People’s Republic of China.

Mansourian, Yazdan: The passion and pleasure of information sharing in pottery practice. Charles Sturt University, Australia.

Messner, Laurine; Griesbaum, Joachim: Everyday Information Literacy in Rural Areas. Universität Hildesheim, Germany.

Munro, Keith; Innocenti, Perla; Dunlop, Mark: Exploring information behaviour and meaningful experience amongst walkers on the West Highland Way. University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.

Samson, Hugh Kevin: Informational Balance (Conceptual Paper). University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Wang, Yi-Yu; Lin, Chi-Shiou: Artefactual Literacy-Related Abilities for Historians’ Effective Seeking and Use of Primary Resources. National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Willson, Rebekah; Makri, Stephann; McKay, Dana; Ayeni, Philips: Precarity and progression during a pandemic: Preliminary findings from a study of early career academics’ information behaviour during COVID-19.

McGill University, Canada.Zhou, Lihong; Hu, Jiangfeng; Xu, Jie: Understanding Interagency Relationships in the Sharing of Government Data: A Meta-analysis. Wuhan University, People’s Republic of China.


Ackerman, Matthew Kenneth; Costello, Kaitlin Light: Information marginalization among young adult gay and bisexual men seeking mental healthcare. mackerman, United States of America.

Borlund, Pia; Pharo, Nils; Liu, Ying-Hsang: Conducting information seeking behaviour research in an international, interdisciplinary research project: experiences and reflections. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.

Correia, Jordan Dias; Ortiz-Myers, Maria: On the relationship between gender and embodied information experience within healthcare settings and family relationships. Rutgers University, School of Communication and Information, United States of America.

Hicks, Deborah: Contemplative and Information Communities: Meditation Apps as a Conceptual Crossroads? San Jose State University, United States of America.

Ju, Boryung; Stewart, Brenton: Exploring an Information Quality Framework for Wikipedia Articles. Louisiana State University, United States of America.

Kainat, Khadijah: Information literacy competencies and social media as a source of information for integration of newcomers. Åbo Akademi University, Finland.

Rath, Logan: Information Literacy as a Social Practice: A Threshold Concept for Academic Instruction Librarians. SUNY Brockport, United States of America.

VanScoy, Amy: Spanning the Theory/Practice Gap: Information Behaviour Concepts in the Reference Service Research. University at Buffalo, United States of America.

Zhang, Xiaoqian; Bartlett, Joan: Older adults’ health information behaviour before the pandemic: a literature review. McGill University, Canada.

Zheng, Weinan: Double identity and double mission of information activities in serious leisure: A case study of idol fans from China. Sun Yat-sen University, People’s Republic of China.


Huvila, Isto: Information behaviour research in dialogue with neighbouring fields. Uppsala University, Sweden.

Sundin, Olof: Information Behaviour Research for What? The Role of Information Behaviour Research in Addressing Societal Challenges. Lund University, Sweden.

Maria Henkel: Disinformation in the context of health information behaviour. ZBW Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Germany.

Track Chairs