add aa_predobs() for estimating error statistics for continuous predictions
mapac 0.21
remove cancor and prediction accuracy scores form rma() because they may be misinterpreted if rma is applied to predicted vs observed values.
mapac 0.2
add reduced major axis regression
mapac 0.12
Update aa_confusion_matrix_gtable() after gt package update
mapac 0.11
Fix error in aa_confusion_matrix_gtable() after gt package update
mapac 0.10
Add sample size calculator
Add warning if one or more strata have a sample size of 1
mapac 0.9
Add finite population correction factor
gt confusion matrix color adaption
add unit test
mapac 0.8
Added F-1 score and associated standard errors
Add vignettes
Change to pkgdown documentation
mapac 0.7
Fixed bug that used Card formula even if olofsson==T. The differences are negligible. Affected are SE of reference class proportions and SE of overall accuracy.