
The QuidEx-Wh Repository contains a whitelabel version of QuidEx which can be used to create a custom website version for other use cases. This creation is a multistep process. All steps are executed using the tool Quid which can be installed with:

pip install Quid

Quotation Identification

In this first step, Quid is used to find quotations between a source text, for example some literary work and one or more target texts, for example scholarly works. The usage of Quid is described here. To compare a source text with a number of target texts the target texts need to be in a single folder. The following command can be used to run the comparison:

quid compare
--output-type json

Passage Creation

In this second step, the passage command from Quid is used to create passages from the extracted quotations, with the following command:

quid passage

path_to_compare_output is the path to the output of the compare step.


In this step, the visualize command from Quid is used to create the files needed for the website.

quid visualize
--title "Some title"
--author "Some author"
--year 1900

path_to_passage_output is the path to the output of the passage step.

The website skeleton is located in the QuidEx-Wh Repository.

The output of the visualizecommand needs to be copied into a subfolder of the content folder of the website skeleton. The files and datastructures are documented here. Then values in config.json also need to be adjusted, for example:

    "title": "Some title for the website",
    "collections": [

The subfolders in content must match the items listed under collections. The names of the files in content/Work1/target should have the following structure year_author_title. This way the files will be properly sorted and displayed.