R packages

Install and load

A package is a collection of previously programmed functions, often including functions for specific tasks. It is tempting to call this a library, but the R community refers to it as a package.

There are two types of packages: those that come with the base installation of R and packages that you must manually download and install using install.packages("package"). You can load a package with library(package).

One very powerful graphics package is ggplot2.


You can keep your packages up to date with with the following command:


You only need to install a package once, but you need to load it every time you start a new R-Session!

library(ggplot2)   # visualization
library(gridExtra) # visualization
library(tidyr)     # manipulating data (tidy messy data)
library(dplyr)     # manipulating data


Sometimes functions from different packages have a common name (e.g., select() in the raster and dplyr packages). We therefore need to tell R which function it should use by defining the namespace for the function:


R base graphics


R’s base graphics are great for quick visualization of your data. The main base graphics functions are plot(), hist() and boxplot():


hist(airquality[ , c("Ozone")])


plot(airquality[ , c("Ozone")], airquality[ , c("Temp")])


boxplot(airquality[ , c("Ozone")] ~ airquality[ , c("Month")])


The base graphics system can also be used visualize complex datasets and relationships, but you will need to write more complex code and functions. The ggplot2 package is a great alternative, but it takes some getting used to. It works somewhat differently than base R and graphics.

When you create a ggplot, you have to define at least three key components:

  • data attribute in the ggplot() or geom_*() function call specifies the data set used for the entire plot or individual geom_ layers, respectively.

  • aesthetics: function aes() is used to map (link) variable names in the data to the axes (e.g., x and y) and visual properties of the graph (e.g., color and shape of symbols).

  • at least one layer which describes how to render each observation. Layers are usually created with a geom function, e.g. geom_histogram(), geom_point(), geom_boxplot(), and many more.


ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone)) +


ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp)) + 


ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = factor(Month), y = Ozone)) +

Grouping by factor

You can use factor variables to change the aesthetics of geom_point and geom_line layers. The following example visualizes the data from different months with different colors.

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, col = factor(Month))) +

You can also display factors through different symbols (with geom_point):

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, shape  = factor(Month))) +

…or the line type with geom_line:

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Day, y = Temp, linetype = factor(Month))) +

..or the fill color of geom_boxplot and geom_histogram:

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, fill = factor(Month))) +

Scaling by numeric variables

Factors can be used to define colors and symbols. Numeric varibles can be displayed by varying symbol sizes and color gradients:

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, col = Wind, size = Solar.R)) +

Trellis graphs

Trellis plots are based on the idea of conditioning on the values taken on by one or more of the variables in a data set.

In the case of a categorical variable, this means carrying out the same plot for the data subsets corresponding to each of the levels of that variable.

R provides built-in trellis graphics with the lattice package.

In ggplot2 trellis plots (here called multi-facet plots) can be achieved with facet_wrap():

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp)) +
  geom_point() +

The axes among individual plots (pannels) can be either fixed or variable (free):

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~Month, scales = "free")

Combining multiple layers

A ggplot can contain multiple layers and each layer can have its own aesthetics:

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Day, y = Temp)) +
  geom_point(aes(size = Ozone)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = factor(Month)))

Axis text and plot title

Modify axes titles with xlab() and ylab(), and plot title with ggtitle():

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, col = factor(Month))) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Ozone concentration [ppm]", 
       y = "Temperature [°F]", 
       title = "Relationship between Ozone und Temperture")

Multi-plot graphics

You can combine multiple plots in a single graphic layout with grid.arrange() of the gridExtra package. First, you must create a graphics object for each plot. Then the two objects are combined with grid.arrange().

plot1 <- ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp)) + geom_point()
plot2 <- ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Wind)) + geom_point()

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol = 2)

Graphics file formats

R graphics can be exported into a number of file formats:

  • pdf
  • tiff
  • png
  • jpg

To export graphics you need to ‘open’ a new Graphic Device before running your plot functions and close it when you are done. The ‘opening’ function depends on the format (e.g. pdf(), tif(), png(), etc.). To close the graphics device you need to call dev.off().

pdf(file = "Figures/scatterplot01.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)

ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, col = factor(Month))) +


Alternatively, you can use the ggsave() function.

p <- ggplot(data = airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Temp, col = factor(Month))) +

ggsave(filename = "plot.pdf", plot = p, path = "Figures")

Data manipulation

Tidy data

Cleaning and preparing (tidying) data for analysis can make up a substantial proportion of the time spent on a project. It is therefore good practice to follow certain guidelines for structuring your data (Wickam, 2014):

  1. Each variable forms a column.
  2. Each observation forms a row.
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table.

Real datasets can, and often do, violate the three precepts of tidy data in almost every way imaginable. While occasionally you do get a dataset that you can start analysing immediately, this is the exception, not the rule. This section describes the five most common problems with messy datasets, along with their remedies:

  • Column headers are values, not variable names.
  • Multiple variables are stored in one column.
  • Variables are stored in both rows and columns.
  • Multiple types of observational units are stored in the same table.
  • A single observational unit is stored in multiple tables.

Most messy datasets, including types of messiness not explicitly described above, can be tidied with a small set of tools.

Basically, data is often recorded in this format (wide-format):

Plot Measure1 Measure2
1 13.1 12.7
2 9.5 10.6
3 11.9 7.4

But we want to have it in following format (long-format)

Plot Measure Value
1 M1 13.1
2 M1 9.5
3 M1 11.9
1 M2 12.7
2 M2 10.6
3 M2 7.4

pivot_longer() and pivot_wider()

yields <- read.table("data/yields.txt", sep = ";", header = TRUE)
yields[1:5, ]
##   plotid sand clay loam
## 1      1    6   17   13
## 2      2   10   15   16
## 3      3    8    3    9
## 4      4    6   11   12
## 5      5   14   14   15

The pivot_longer() function in the tidyr package can be used to convert the previous dataset into a tidy dataset. In the example below, we want to reshape the sand, clay, and loam columns, hence we exclude the plotid column (denoted with a minus sign). See also here, for ways to select columns in the tidyverse.

yields_tidy <- tidyr::pivot_longer(yields, cols= -plotid, names_to = "soiltype", values_to = "yield")

# pivot_longer(yields, cols= starts_with(c("sand", "loam", "clay")), names_to = "soiltype", values_to = "yield")

yields_tidy[c(1:3, 11:13), ]
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   plotid soiltype yield
##    <int> <chr>    <int>
## 1      1 sand         6
## 2      1 clay        17
## 3      1 loam        13
## 4      4 clay        11
## 5      4 loam        12
## 6      5 sand        14

The dataset is now tidy, i.e. ready for analysis and plotting:

ggplot(yields_tidy, aes(x = soiltype, y = yield)) +

Sometimes we want to back-transform the data into wide format, which can be done using the pivot_wider() function:

yields <- pivot_wider(yields_tidy, id_cols=plotid, names_from=soiltype, values_from=yield)
yields[1:3, ]
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   plotid  sand  clay  loam
##    <int> <int> <int> <int>
## 1      1     6    17    13
## 2      2    10    15    16
## 3      3     8     3     9

Sometimes column names include several attributes:

yields2 <- read.table("data/yields2.txt", sep = ";", header = TRUE)
yields2[1:3, ]
##   plotid sand_fine clay_fine loam_fine sand_coarse clay_coarse loam_coarse
## 1      1         6        17        13           9          18          15
## 2      2        10        15        16          10          15          18
## 3      3         8         3         9           9           3           9

After transforming it into long format, the data still is not a tidy data set (‘Multiple variables are stored in one column’):

yields2_tidy <- pivot_longer(yields2, cols= starts_with(c("sand", "loam", "clay")), names_to = "soiltype", values_to = "yield")

yields2_tidy[c(1:3, 11:13), ]
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   plotid soiltype    yield
##    <int> <chr>       <int>
## 1      1 sand_fine       6
## 2      1 sand_coarse     9
## 3      1 loam_fine      13
## 4      2 clay_fine      15
## 5      2 clay_coarse    15
## 6      3 sand_fine       8


We need to split the soiltype column into two columns soildtype and grain. This can easily be done using the separate() function:

yields2_tidy <- separate(yields2_tidy, col = soiltype, into = c("soiltype", "grain"), sep = "_")
yields2_tidy[c(1:3, 11:13), ]
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   plotid soiltype grain  yield
##    <int> <chr>    <chr>  <int>
## 1      1 sand     fine       6
## 2      1 sand     coarse     9
## 3      1 loam     fine      13
## 4      2 clay     fine      15
## 5      2 clay     coarse    15
## 6      3 sand     fine       8

Which can now be nicely plotted using ggplot2:

ggplot(yields2_tidy, aes(x = soiltype, y = yield, fill = grain)) +


Often we have to do many steps to wrangle our data into a tidy form, which can become messy and un-readable. This is especially true if we nest many steps into one line. Using so-called pipes in the dplyr package can help us:

yields2_tidy <- yields2 %>%
  pivot_longer(., cols= -plotid, names_to = "soiltype", values_to = "yield") %>%
  separate(., col = soiltype, into = c("soiltype", "grain"), sep = "_")

The term x <- y %>% f1(.) %>% f2(.) is similar to x <- f2(f1(y)), but more readable when the the statement is long!

Mutating new variables

If we want to create a new variable (column), we can use the mutate() function:

yields2_tidy <- yields2_tidy %>%
  mutate(yield_log = log(yield),
         yield_log10 = log10(yield))

yields2_tidy[1:3, ]
## # A tibble: 3 × 6
##   plotid soiltype grain yield yield_log yield_log10
##    <int> <chr>    <chr> <int>     <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1      1 sand     fine      6      1.79       0.778
## 2      1 clay     fine     17      2.83       1.23 
## 3      1 loam     fine     13      2.56       1.11

Creating summaries

If we want to create a summary of (a) variable(s), we can use the summarize() function:

yields2_tidy_summary <- yields2_tidy %>%
  summarize(yield_mean = mean(yield),
            yield_median = median(yield))

## # A tibble: 1 × 2
##   yield_mean yield_median
##        <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1       12.4           12

Grouping data

Using dyplr we can easily calculate new variables or derive summaries of our data. However, often we want to do both wihtin specific groups, e.g. the mean/median yield within each soil-type and grain-class. We therefore need to group the data:

yields2_tidy_summary <- yields2_tidy %>%
  group_by(soiltype, grain) %>%
  summarize(yield_mean = mean(yield),
            yield_median = median(yield))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'soiltype'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups:   soiltype [3]
##   soiltype grain  yield_mean yield_median
##   <chr>    <chr>       <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1 clay     coarse       12.4         13  
## 2 clay     fine         11.5         12  
## 3 loam     coarse       15.5         15  
## 4 loam     fine         14.3         14.5
## 5 sand     coarse       10.6         10  
## 6 sand     fine          9.9          9.5

We also can use the mutate() function within groups, e.g. for centering the yields within groups:

yields2_tidy <- yields2_tidy %>%
  group_by(soiltype, grain) %>%
  mutate(yield_centered = yield - mean(yield))

## # A tibble: 60 × 7
## # Groups:   soiltype, grain [6]
##    plotid soiltype grain  yield yield_log yield_log10 yield_centered
##     <int> <chr>    <chr>  <int>     <dbl>       <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1      1 sand     fine       6      1.79       0.778         -3.9  
##  2      1 clay     fine      17      2.83       1.23           5.5  
##  3      1 loam     fine      13      2.56       1.11          -1.3  
##  4      1 sand     coarse     9      2.20       0.954         -1.6  
##  5      1 clay     coarse    18      2.89       1.26           5.6  
##  6      1 loam     coarse    15      2.71       1.18          -0.5  
##  7      2 sand     fine      10      2.30       1              0.100
##  8      2 clay     fine      15      2.71       1.18           3.5  
##  9      2 loam     fine      16      2.77       1.20           1.7  
## 10      2 sand     coarse    10      2.30       1             -0.600
## # ℹ 50 more rows


Note: The result from a dplyr call is a so-called tibble, which is similar to a data frame, but has some improvements. For example, it shows the data type and dimensions of the data frame, as well as it is easier to print in the console.

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   plotid soiltype yield
##    <int> <chr>    <int>
## 1      1 sand         6
## 2      1 clay        17
## 3      1 loam        13
## 4      2 sand        10
## 5      2 clay        15
## 6      2 loam        16

Subsetting data

Often, we also want to exclude observations (rows), which we can easily do using the filter() function:

yields2_tidy_subset <- yields2_tidy %>%
  filter(grain == "fine")

Similarly, we can exclude variables (columns) that we don’t need for further analysis using the select() function:

yields2_tidy_subset <- yields2_tidy %>%
  select(-yield_log10, -yield_log)

Thereby we ca either select columns or drop them using a ‘-’ before the columns name.


Copyright © 2024 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Department of Geography.