Hardware and Software

Your own computer

In the seminar sessions of Introduction to Remote Sensing we are going to delve into digital image processing which requires (at least) the following hardware specifications:

  • a quad-core CPU at 2.5GHz or comparable
  • a minimum RAM of 4GB
  • ideally a dedicated GPU
  • a 13” screen
  • 10GB of free disk space (or cloud storage)
  • a microphone & audio output (in case of online sessions)
  • a stable internet connection


You are encouraged to work on your own machine given sufficient computing ressources. We do, however, provide access to server infrastructure which you can access within the university network or when connected via VPN. Instructions on how to access the servers are available on the Moodle page.

(Shared) storage

Shared disk space may be needed for your group work. We suggest to use shared repositories on internal platforms like the HU-Box, or to store your data in a shared folder on the student drive O:/ (access requires VPN connection; instructions on Moodle).


We use openly available and platform independent (Windows, Linux, MacOS) software packages throughout this course. Please make sure the following software is installed and working:


The data for this course can be found on Moodle.

Copyright © 2023 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Department of Geography.